My Little Danlings

Monday, October 12, 2020

Blast from the Past

Well well, look at this. It's the old designs for each of our favorite characters, featuring Dan (Now with sleaves!), Chris (Rocking the forward hair) and Elise (Snide and Sociopathic, and with the hair to prove it)! Very nice to see. And that logo has it's charm it does. MTVesque, and we have ALOT to love from late 90s MTV.

Cough cough definitely not borrowing from the Daria Fandom at all.


 Why ze blog was abandoned for several months?

Not gonna beat around the bush, the answer is simple. 
Fandom hit upon a quiet spell, especially on the forum, during the late Spring and Early summer.
Getting Chris on board wasn't the massive booster I had anticipated. 
This was(early on anyway) kinda directly ripping off what the Daria Fandom Blog did, and that kind of required the fandom to be active, so when it wasn't that kind of made things hard. We moved further away from those roots, but then I got distracted

As of recently, things have......changed. Openly, this September was the best the Discord has had since The Purges of January, and this October has been the best the Messageboard has seen since LAST October so so, but besides that...........I can't go into details yet for reasons, but....let's just say I've found hope and leave it at that.....for now.
Anyway, expect regular updates here from now on, JOIN THE DAN VS MESSAGEBOARD FOR GOD SAKES, and remember, it's only a matter of months before the is ▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇▇ and hopefully ▇▇▇▇▇▇ ▇▇.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

 Another Interview:

Yes I'm back to maintaining this and yes I'll explain, but for now there is this to put out.


Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Holy Shit......The Creator!

 He. He agreed to an interview. We GOT said interview.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chris is chasing the dragon's tail...or maybe the monkey's paw?

Dammit Chris. We leave you for one second and next thing we know your accepting strange needles from odd Japs and making friends with Necrophillic Hobos to attempt to quench your cursed thirst. For shame Pearson. What would Elise say if she saw you now?

Speaking of drugs, apparently Dan Mandel himself is a recreational user of both Marijuana and Nitrous Oxide(from Whipped Cream Chargers, perfectly legal). Far out man.

 If you wanna discuss drugs(for whatever reason), click here, Discord doesn't like it when we discuss em.

Aside from that........ 

Saturday, May 16, 2020



We voted on it, and here it is.

Nothing more to say, just.....go watch comment.

Friday, April 24, 2020


Captain Jerk has just launched the Dan Vs Fanzone, the new Dan Vs DeviantArt group, run by us for us! Join the movement, view art new and old, keep track on news, hell, it's the premium hub for announcments and art contests! Even the fanfictions are on their way!

So what are you waiting for? It's zero maintenance, a simple click of a button. Like, say........... THIS BIG BUTTON YOU CLICK TO JOIN

Monday, April 20, 2020

I'm sure we're all handing Quarantine just fine.

As Quarantines enter their second month, I'm sure we can do a fine job of keeping ourselves clean, sane, and healthy.

Ah fuck it, it's purge time. LET YOUR INNER CANNIBAL OUT AND LET'S PARTY! 


Wednesday, April 15, 2020

I love the smell of Rainbow Herbicide in the morning!

(Sorry this is a day late 🙁 )
Looks like Dan is celebrating International Plant Day by making sure it isn't coming back next year....or anytime in the next 7-40 years. Mmm, nothing like a lil Agent Blue in the morning. Why do I have to be Agent Pink though?



Saturday, April 11, 2020

Bunny Hunting Season is in! 

Oh no! Looks like old Danny Boy is going to stop at nothing to keep Easter from coming, and has taken a page out of the top predators book. The Easter Bunny should look to the skies, for nobody can stop Owl Dan when he's on the hunt and he's after you! I'm having rabbit stew tonight!





Saturday, April 4, 2020

Cruel High School

Uh oh! Looks like Dan is thinking back to his awkward teenage years! He may have blown away his classmates(literally on many occasions) but his appearances aren't going to do him any favors. Tis a face only a teddy bear could love.

Fandom actually has several new threads going on( I'd advise you to check out the Monty Python thread here )
But today is one of those days where we give Fanfiction the lime light...........and the lime text.

   Fanfiction Updates:

Thursday, April 2, 2020


Recently, I found the long lost Dan Vs Flashgame on a Chinese Flash site.

It's called Dan Vs This Game, and it only takes 15 minutes to beat.

If you wanna take a shot at the high score, take a screenshot of the ending screen and post it here 

And you can play the game itself here or here

In MOSTLY unrelated news, the nearly month long BEST EPISODE TOURNAMENT has come to an end, leaving Anger Managment as the winner, The Telemarketer in Second Place, and The Boss in third.

Fandom Updates (Aside the ones mentioned prior)

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Who gave Dan access to the compass memes? 

Uh oh! Someone gave Dan access to a political compass! 
Will Commie Dan start the glorious revolution and forget how to feed himself?
Will Ancom Dan eat nothing, but leaves while stoning everyone who offends them?
Will Nazi Dan take over the world and exterminate the squirrel infidels?
Will Ancap Dan manage to convince the world Hortence is legal?
And will Centrist Dan file his taxes?

Probably none of the above. But hey, if YOU want to take a political compass test and compare it to the others and discuss it and's RIGHT HERE SO CLICK TO GO THERE! 

Fanfiction Update: Dan Vs Change FINALE (Fic Finished)



Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I love weddings, DRINKS ALL AROUND!

Today's the anniversary of "The Wedding", which aired on this day 8 years ago. If we're being realistic, by this point Jerimiah has probably died from his 4th heart attack and Hortence has doubled in weight from living on the all burger diet. That'll wumbo-size a girl's waistline in no time.

Speaking of realistic, can we talk for a second about this?  Enough with the lame jokes and ripping off the Daria Fandom, I legit need to say this.

Hortence is a 15 year old girl in the Wedding episode, and was 14 in Burgerphile. And, in that episode, when she was 14, she was whisked away by a 50 something year old rich guy(apparently to his private 'burger island') and then proceeded to marry her a year later.  

This..............that is fucked up. Like, Epstein, #burgergate levels of fucked up. Not that Dan would have been much better, but you gotta ask "WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?'

Fandom News....I guess....... 





Sunday, March 22, 2020

Who needs training when we got gaming?

Looks to me like Elise has gotten into social isolation. Wouldn't want to catch the big bad coronavirus would you? Nothing like the all Doritos no exercise diet!
(Accusations Elise is in the process of weaponizing COVID-19 for the Shadow Government are ludicrous) 

Fanfiction Updates!

Snarkwings Dan Vs Change: Chapter 7(Dan Vs Counting Sheep)
Captain Jerks Dan Vs Everything Vignettes: Green Faerie 

Friday, March 20, 2020


 Looks like Dan's celebration of Extraterrestrial Abductions Day (March 20th, look it up, it's real) got a bit more REAL then he expected.

Also someone destroyed the Burger Bonanza. We blame Freemasons. Corn thieving Freemasons is no good.



Welcome to The Dan Vs Fandom Blog!

Yes indeed.
We've created a fandom blog for the show Dan Vs, to keep all you eager lads and lasses informed on what we're up to. I'm talking fanfics, discussions, statements from the creator, important events!

This is mostly a test post to get everything set up, but be aware, we've got lot's more plans.

Written by Captain Jerk, Formatting help provided by Blaze Deku. Without him, I'd probably have to annoy significantly more people ;)