My Little Danlings

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

I love weddings, DRINKS ALL AROUND!

Today's the anniversary of "The Wedding", which aired on this day 8 years ago. If we're being realistic, by this point Jerimiah has probably died from his 4th heart attack and Hortence has doubled in weight from living on the all burger diet. That'll wumbo-size a girl's waistline in no time.

Speaking of realistic, can we talk for a second about this?  Enough with the lame jokes and ripping off the Daria Fandom, I legit need to say this.

Hortence is a 15 year old girl in the Wedding episode, and was 14 in Burgerphile. And, in that episode, when she was 14, she was whisked away by a 50 something year old rich guy(apparently to his private 'burger island') and then proceeded to marry her a year later.  

This..............that is fucked up. Like, Epstein, #burgergate levels of fucked up. Not that Dan would have been much better, but you gotta ask "WHAT THE FUCK WERE THEY THINKING?'

Fandom News....I guess....... 





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